Spurred by an discussion on the state of Sword & Sorcery that was insitigated by Jason Ray Carney's thought provoking article "The Glut of New Sword and Sorcery" (found here: https://spiraltower.blogspot.com/2023/07/the-glut-of-new-sword-and-sorcery.html ) and Brian Murphy's response (found here: https://thesilverkey.blogspot.com/2023/08/assessing-sword-and-sorcery-glut.html?m=1 ), I took it upon myself to create a short survey to get some feedback from our listeners and readers. We would really appreciate it if you took a moment to answer this quick, four question survey. I'll leave the survey open for a month and then post the results in September. At the very least, it should make for an interesing excercise.
-L.D. Whitney